House Painting with a System of Personalized Attention

Painting your house involves a lot of steps and a lot of attention to detail that only an experienced painting contractor like Northwest Quality Painting can provide.


See how we'll provide the highest quality job for your house with our step by step process.


  • The first step is to power wash the exteriorn to remove any loose dirt and flaking paint.
  • All windows and doors are covered, not just masked/taped, and landscaping is draped.
  • Any remaining paint which is loose, bubbled, flaking, cracked is removed by scraping.
  • Seams and joints, loose and dried caulking receive detailed attention, hand scraping.
  • Sanding removes remaining loose paint and smoothes the surface.
  • Sanding also creates an ideal surface to create a better bond for the new paint.
  • Caulking seals cracks and joints between boards, fills knots and nail holes.
  • Details are given individual attention.
  • The preparation work actually takes as much or more time than painting.
  • Final color verification just before paint is procured directly from manufacturers.
  • Painters are trained to cover the surface thoroughly and carefully.
  • Spraying the initial coat for fast coverage, saving you money.
  • Expert painting contractors use overspray guards to protect other surfaces.
  • Overspray guards also protect grass, landscaping and fixtures.
  • An important step, backbrushing prevents visible overlap caused by spraying.
  • Backbrushing by hand also ensures all cracks and gaps are securely sealed.
  • The finished project is a beautiful, rich appearance increasing the value of your
    home and lasting for years to come!


Call 253-931-5518, or contact Northwest Quality Painting online today for your free consultation and color analysis.


Northwest Quality Painting

12317 - 8th Street East
Edgewood, WA 98372
